Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge Virgin

Well, I told you guys I was going to try this and it seems like the perfect time because the creator of Hodgepodge is on break this week, so I'm actually answering last week's questions.  Knowing me, I thought I needed some extra time to work this tech stuff out...

So, here we go!

NOTE:  Special thanks to Katie at Preppy Empty Nester, as she is my blog idol and I want to be/do everything like her -- even though we have never met.  Katie participates in Hodgepodge, so since I love reading her answers, I'm hoping that some of you will think it's fun to read mine.

NOTE to NOTE:  I just know Katie and I would be besties if we lived in the same place.  Unfortunately I found her just before she moved to Boston, so besties from afar, it is.  If you are viewing this on a desktop computer, you can find her blog listed down below on the right side of this blog or if you are viewing this on your iphone, please select 'View Web Version" at the bottom of the blog so you can see the other blogs I follow.  The Hodgepodge button will be down there too, so check it out.  Katie is hilarious and always doing something fun, watching something I like, or shopping.  What's not to like?

Here is the Hodgepodge.  Be sure to click on the link to the right below (in the web version) to visit all of the bloggers who participate!

1. What's something you're looking forward to in the month of June?

I'm headed to Aspen for the Food and Wine Festival.  After watching so many episodes of Top Chef, I feel like I'm really getting to be part of the action.  So grateful to my friend Holly for inviting me!

2. In what way have you come full circle?

When I started working in Non-Profit, everything was new.  After 17+ years of fundraising, I'm just now beginning to work in earnest on something I've never done -- a capital campaign.  Get your checkbooks ready, friends!

3. Lonely Planet lists 10 spots in America you should see in 2015 and the reasons why. How many on the list have you seen? Which one on the list would you most like to see?

Queens NY, Western South Dakota, New Orleans, Colorado River Region, North Conway NH, Indianapolis IN, Greenville SC, Oakland CA, Duluth MN, and the Mount Shasta Region CA.

I feel like I've probably been to Queens (or at least driven through) since I'm an NYC whore.  I've been to Oakland and Colorado too.  New Orleans is the best and other than NYC or Miraval, it's my absolute fave place to visit.  Not sure which of the rest I'd most like to see, but would happily visit any of them.  I'm a great travel companion, so let's go!

4. A song that describes your mood right now?

I listened to Call Me Maybe this morning on the treadmill and I'm still singing it.  Keep picturing the Olympic athletes' video they made of it too -- the swimmers, I think -- they were all on a bus.  And of course, since we'll be starting the campaign for the CPD building soon, I'll be making lots of calls!

5. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry short cake, strawberry pie, or strawberries right off the vine...your favorite?

I like them all, but have never had them straight off the vine.

6. Aesop's birthday is celebrated on June 4th, although there is some disagreement as to whether or not that's accurate, or if he was even a real person.  Regardless, the name Aesop is associated to this day with many well known fables. Which of the following best applies to something in your life right now? The Tortoise and the Hare (Slow and Steady wins the race), The Ant and the Grasshopper (Be prepared), The Fox and the Goat (Look before you leap) or The Crow and the Pitcher (Necessity is the mother of invention)?

The Ant and the Grasshopper -- we have been preparing for this campaign for more than a year.  I feel like we are well prepared.  Famous last words...

7. The answer is yes...what's the question?

Do you wish you could go back as a camper to Camp Longhorn?

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I got to order a big-ass dry erase board for my office today and it's arriving Friday.  I cannot wait to see it staring at me from across the desk.  So much empty space to be filled with words and actions.  Excitement galore!


  1. Welcome to the Hodgepodge! I'm in the middle of a move but am finally getting over here to read. So glad you joined the fun! We're back this week, and if you link your post you will hopefully get some visitors. I've done a lot of traveling, but have never been to New Orleans. Someday! I hope you're having fun with that white board : )

    1. Thank you, Joyce! I appreciate the welcome so much and have enjoyed reading the other bloggers answers to your fun questions. One of my friends even told me that reading the Hodgepodge and answers made her want to start writing a blog! Of course, I told her to go for it! Looking forward to the next one...

  2. OMG Paige.... You are too funny! You are so right - wish I knew you when I was in Dallas. There is a chance that we will meet. My #1 is settling in Dallas and my #2 is in Ft Worth this summer and looking for a job for after she graduates so I will be visiting a lot. My #2 saw darling Lilly and met Heidi this weekend. You did a fabulous job on Hodgepodge and I hope you will do it every week because it gives the readers a chance to learn more about you. Can't wait to meet you in person someday...

    1. I would LOVE that, Katie! Be sure and have your daughter call me at CPD if she is interested in learning about non-profit work. Would love to meet both daughters too!
