Update: I found one of them on FaceBook and wrote her, but no word back yet. Fingers crossed!
So these favorites were actually the things I loved last week (as opposed to Right Now!), but I definitely still love them. If you missed Part 17, visit it here: http://blog.paigemcdaniel.org/2014/06/four-favorite-things-i-love-right-now.html
Now, on to the good stuff:
1. Savory Saltine Seasoning for crackers makes something mundane into something absolutely addictive. You buy this stuff (I buy mine on Smile.Amazon and choose Community Partners of Dallas as my charity, natch. You should too.), put it in a big ass zip lock, add canola oil, mix, then add a whole box of saltines, shake around and let the stuff soak in, then deliciousness arrives at your house like a freight train, people.

2. I love burning candles and this tool is a must -- a wick cutter. I got this one from Circle E Candles in Fredericksburg many years ago and I love it. Before I had this I would go get part of a paper towel and pinch the wick off with my fingers before lighting it, but this thing is so much better. The disk shape next to the blades catch the black wick and then you just take it to the trash and you're done.

3. I wish that I could have taken a photo of this lasagna before my mom and I devoured it, but I was too late. The photo speaks for itself. Buy it at Jimmy's -- fresh, delicious, OMG goodness. Jimmy's Food Store is at 4901 Bryan Street and if you haven't ever been there, you are in for a treat. I call it the Italian Kuby's and they have everything you need to prepare your own Italian food, or just make it look like you did. They have great wine dinners too and the deli sandwiches are some of the best in town.
4. The final favorite for this installment is our volunteers at CPD. As you may know, we are in the middle of our Back-to-School Drive and truly, we could not put together 2,600 backpacks filled with supplies and uniforms without volunteers. For the past several weeks (and for many weeks to come) volunteers will be the reason the caseworkers of Child Protective Services get these vital tools for their kiddos. Thanks from the bottom of my heart if you have been part of the workforce over here!
Until next time -- Paige
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