Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I'm having fun tonight!

I don't have a plan of what to write about today for the blog.

I've had a busy day. 
  • The trainer came this morning, so I've worked out.
  • Came to CPD and prepared for a board meeting at lunch.
  • Met with Joanna about North Texas Giving Day since she went to a meeting about it this morning.
  • Worked with Martha on billing for a reimbursement grant.
But for the past 30 minutes or so, I've just been sitting here trying to think of something to write about.  I think part of the reason is that yesterday and today, I've spent a lot of time brainstorming about a closing event for the Community Partners of Dallas 25th anniversary year.  Luckily, I've had board members and staff members to do it with me, so it's been fun, but I think it's taken a toll on me.

Luckily, tonight I am doing something super-fun...

The wonderful, beautiful, best selling author, and friend to CPD Emily Giffin is having a signing of her new book to benefit our Back-to-School Drive.  The One & Only is her latest offering and it is my favorite of all of her books.  It takes place in Dallas and the fictional town of Walker, Texas, and is full of romance, football, and fun -- and what is more Texas than that?

Emily is the best and we are so blessed to have her good friend (and mine) Sandy hosting the event for us at her home.

Buy The One & Only and be sure that you note the charity she mentions by name in the book...

I bet you already know which one it is.

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