Thanksgiving is tomorrow so, of course, I want to write about what I am thankful for this year.
- God’s grace. Enough said.
- My family, especially my mom. I love them more than they will ever know.
- My great job. It is a privilege and a blessing to have a small part in helping the innocent victims of child abuse and neglect. And without our great board members and donors and volunteers, none of it would be possible.
- My co-workers. These remarkable women inspire me every day. They are smart, energetic, caring, and beautiful.
- The USPS. I love being able to write someone a note and have it arrive at their house the very next day for 44 cents. You couldn’t pay me 20 dollars to do that.
- The Dallas Morning News and The Today Show. They are pretty much my only news providers except E.
- My sweet and wonderful housekeeper, Isabel. She makes my life easier and her smile will stop traffic.
- My best friends. My world would be cold and harsh without these fabulous people: Joanna, Cynthia, Maria, Lynn, Jill, Jan, Lori, and Joe.
- My new friend, Dave Romanelli. Dave is known as “Yeah Dave” and can be found at Dave has changed my way of thinking about things this year. He has encouraged me to find something beautiful, delicious, and funny every day. I wish that I had our phone conversations on tape. His wisdom has helped me to get over some long-held crap.
- You. When I started this blog just over a year ago, I really didn’t know if I would like writing. I do. And I am so grateful that you like me enough to read it.
I’m sitting here now with a few tears in my eyes. At this time last year I wrote about all of the things in my life that I loved – my car, my IPad, etc. I find it interesting that this year it is about people.
I am wishing you a blessed and happy holiday. Tomorrow, hug those people around you a little closer. They deserve it. You do too.