Wednesday, July 1, 2015

An Independence Day Hodgepodge

1. On Saturday July 4th America celebrates her Independence. What is your favorite thing about the day? Your favorite food on the 4th? Do you fly a flag at your house? Fireworks-yay or nay? Any special plans this year?

My house has been flag city since the weekend.

My favorite memories were when I lived in DC and my friend Tim was always able to get us reserved seats for the A Capital Fourth show that takes place in front of the capitol every year and is televised on PBS.  I still either watch it live or tape it every year.  The fireworks are fantastic and it really makes you proud to be an American.  Really, everything about Washington, D.C., makes me proud.  It is such a wonderful, beautiful city.  I've cried all over that town.  

This year, Joe and I are going to enjoy some music -- at the Dallas Wind Symphony concert.  My mom and I always have a hot dog or two with chili and cheese with potato chips and I usually make Vincent's coleslaw to go with it.  I also love watching the Will Smith movie Independence Day or just something on The History Channel.  Fireworks -- YAY!

2. What's something you recently got for free?

The aforementioned concert tickets.  Thanks, Jill!

3.  The Statue of Liberty, The Liberty Bell, The Washington Monument, or Mount many on the list have you seen? What is your favorite historical American monument, and why? 

I haven't been to Rushmore, but would totally love to go.  My favorite is the Lincoln Memorial in DC.

4. When it comes to the news are you more ostrich (stick my head in the sand) or hog (they have room to take a whole lot in)? How much attention have you given the recent news reports regarding ISIS and the acts of terror they've perpetrated against those who do not share their beliefs or support their cause?

I watch The Today Show almost every day, so I pretty much get my news from it.  I also read The Dallas Morning News, but usually not the international/real news.  Mostly read it for the style/entertainment section and local/metro.  

As for Isis, I wish we could all just get along.

5. We're talking plain ice cream...vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry? Choose one.

I almost always have vanilla in my freezer, but that is because I won't eat it in a single sitting.  Chocolate is my favorite of the three.  I have some chocolate Haagen Daz waiting for me right now.

6. Share a song you love containing the word 'stars' in the lyrics or title?

Coldplay's "A Sky Full of Stars" is amaze-balls.  Check out this video -- if this doesn't get you moving, nothing will.  And yes, Chris Martin is my boyfriend.  Back off Gwyneth.

7. Describe and/or say goodbye to June with an acrostic.

J -- just the beginning of hot
U -- undeniably romantic
N -- never to be seen again in 2015
E -- exceptional time for reading

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I feel so lucky to have been born in America.  I'm also extremely grateful to have such a wonderful family and ancestors who came to this country before it was America.  God bless it.


  1. Love the Coldplay song and you could be in with a chance with Chris - he's apparently just split (for the second time) from Jennifer Lawrence. (Although Gwyneth does have the trump card of his children lol) Happy 4th July

  2. Good song choice. I love all the flags you placed outside. I may have to tape the fireworks on PBS this year. Happy 4th!

  3. What fantastic memories you have of the 4th in DC. I can imagine how electrifying it is.

  4. D.C. puts a lump in my throat too. The monuments and history that is. The politics cause a whole 'nother kind of angst : ) Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  5. Have fun at the concert, Happy Fourth of July!

  6. Chocolate definitely for me too. We also like to watch the show from Washington DC on the 4th and/or Memorial Day. Lincoln Monument is mine favorite too. I would just love to climb up and sit in his lap for just a moment! lol

    Happy 4th!!

  7. Would love to see Lincoln Memorial! I love the Coldplay song too! Have a happy 4th!

  8. Will have to check out the Coldplay song. I don't know much/if any of their stuff. But I don't think you have to worry about Gwyneth anymore... Isn't Chris Martin dating Jennifer Lawrence? ;)

  9. Enjoyed your acrostic. I found the month of June quite friendly when it came to be able to read. We had lots of rainy days.

  10. Love the flags! Enjoyed reading your answers and listening to the song by Coldplay. Amen to your random!!!

  11. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I forgot that "Good Morning Star Shine" was from the musical "Hair." A lot of good music came from that musical. Have a safe and happy 4th.
