Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Four Favorite Things I Love Right Now! Part 21

Time for another Four Faves, people!

If you missed the most recent one, click here

It's hard for me to believe that the last Four Faves post was in January.  Frankly, it is not because I don't have any fav things, I think that the reason is more me trying to appear smarter than I really am.  I think that if you read this blog each week that you know that I write about all kinds of things -- serious things like child abuse and opinion things like advice for job seekers, etc.

I also really like to write about my favorite things, but it seems so, well, commercial.

NOTE:  Please know that I do not receive any remuneration from anything I talk about in my posts, except of course, I am paid to work at Community Partners of Dallas.  I'm so glad that the board thinks I'm worth a salary.  My personal creditors are glad too.

Now, on to the Faves!
  1. I don't usually start with a TV show -- remember the smart persona I'm attempting to portray -- but damn if I don't still love Bravo's Southern Charm.  Cameran and Shep (pictured on the left) are my favorite cast members, but I'd sit in a hot car with any of them -- I really don't like to sit in hot cars.  
  2. This stuff is great -- O'Keeffe's Working Hands cream.  Seems like my hands and cuticles just keep getting drier, so I ordered this from Amazon and I love it.  No fragrance -- Joe likes that -- and it isn't too greasy.
  3. My latest fav thing is something from the queen of fav things -- Oprah.  I ordered this for my sister-in-law Lucy and for myself at Christmas.  It is a wooden box filled with 365 thoughtful quotes.  It was $85:  365 Gathered Truths Box from Cottage Coastal.  I try to post some each week on my Instagram and FaceBook.  This was today's.
  4. I have a new fav cocktail -- a little vodka with Whole Foods Italian Soda in Pomegranate flavor -- delish!

What are your Four Faves?


  1. I can't get ENOUGH of Southern Charm! What a group of narcissistic beautiful people... Have a great Easter, Paige.
