Friday, May 16, 2014

May is a Bitch

Well, I know that I'm two days late on the blog post this week, but lots going on at Community Partners of Dallas this month -- board meetings, staff trainings, and just the end of year #Let'sCramEverythingInToMayBecauseEveryoneVacationsInJune rush...

NOTE:  New hashtag -- use it in a sentence today!

I came across a quote in my meeting folder for Leader's Circle that was held this morning, thus a blog post is made!  I've written about my Leader's Circle group before (I think of it as my Executive Director Therapy Group), but I can never say enough good about the program. 

In fact, if you want to hear me talk about it, visit this link -- The Center for Non-Profit Management took some video of me talking about it when we put up The Container Store as corporation of the year at their awards and they won -- woo hoo!

Here's the link of me in all my glory:

Anyway, I had no idea what to write about, but this quote -- I love quotes -- is on a sticky inside my Leader's Circle folder that I've been using since 2007.  Here's the quote:

The world is divided into good and bad people.  The good ones slept better...  while the bad ones seem to enjoy the waking hours more. -- Woody Allen

Take that, month of May -- we'll sleep in June.

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