Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Nice Lady

Clothes are one of my favorite things.  Now, I’m not crazy like some of my friends who shop every day looking for bargains, reading all the latest Vogue issues, etc., but I do enjoy figuring out what I’m going to wear each day and how I can use things I already have to make an old get-up look new.
I also have a pretty defined style – classic, with touches of fun (self-named style, so don’t tell me differently) – so it is easy for me to shop and my mom and I have fun doing it together.  And goodness knows that with my figure I look better in clothes than without them!
But this week I got an email from one of my co-workers at Community Partners of Dallas that made me think about clothes a little differently. 
Pam is our on-site staff member at our main Rainbow Room at the largest CPS office in Dallas County.  Pam has been with me longer than anyone else here at CPD – almost 7 years.  She’s seen it all and has heard it all.  She is amazing and nothing ever gets by her.  I will also add that she is super-stylish in every way – her clothes are colorful and on-trend always. 
Anyway, Pam sent me this email in response to something I sent to the entire CPD staff about how important it is to work with people who care – and believe me; my co-workers do care about kids, caseworkers, volunteers, and donors – so here it is:
Thanks, Paige.
This reminds me of some children that were removed but later got returned because their aunt decided that she didn't want the responsibility.  I happened to be walking past the lobby and I saw them.  I overheard them tell their aunt this:  “There is the nice lady that gave us clothes.” 
I smiled; we really do make a difference.
So, here are these children, already in a scary place (the CPS office), knowing that something was awry –
  • Why were they at this place again with their aunt?
  • Why were the adults talking in hushed voices?
  • Why did they have the bags and clothes that had been given to them by “the nice lady” with them here?
It is difficult for me to think about their heartbreak once they knew why they were there.
But Pam is right – we do make a difference.  New clothing makes a difference.  Because even when those kids became aware of what was happening, they knew that someone cared. 
Even if their family members were no longer able to do so.

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