Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I just returned from a trip to New Orleans with the Sustainers of the Junior League of Dallas.  We had a ball -- swamp tour, WW II Museum, home tours -- but mostly we ATE.  Goodness gracious, that town knows what good food tases like and we enjoyed every morsel. 

The people of NOLA know how to make food delicious and they know how to survive.  More than 5 years after Hurricane Katrina devastated their community, they are still telling their stories.  And we were all hungry to hear them -- goodness knows we weren't hungry for more food!

Those of us who work at Community Partners of Dallas are often asked by others "How can you work with kids who have been abused? It must be so sad."  The children that we serve may come from sad situations, but they are like the people of NOLA.  They are survivors.

We are indeed blessed to be part of their recovery.

P.S.  Here's some pictures from the trip -- I recommend a trip for each of you asap!

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