Some of the best quotes in the world come from one of my heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., so I am always happy when MLK Day comes around and I am reminded to celebrate him and read some of his wonderful words. Google "Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes" and you'll be amazed too.
So today, here's one of my faves:
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
This is super advice for every one of us and you all KNOW how I love to give advice.
Sometimes the weight of trials and tribulations in our home life get us down:
"What do you mean you erased last night's Project Runway All Stars?" Normally followed by "You idiot!"
Or our work life can stop us in our tracks:
"I can't believe my boss still hasn't decided what she wants me to do with this project!" Normally followed by "That idiot!"
Note the change in subject before the word idiot in the examples, of course...
And just regular life is a drag too.
Life can be difficult for all of us at times and my normal inclination is sometimes to just crawl in bed and stay there, but as the Reverend King reminds us, we MUST keep going. Fight your inclinations and just show up, smile, re-dvr, move forward -- because you have it so much better than so many others right here in Dallas.
The kids at Community Partners of Dallas would give their right arm to be you.
Or to be your child.
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